Thursday 2 May 2013

Everything's Growing in FS2!

Our theme this term is growth.

We have been learning about plants and what they need to grow.

Two weeks ago we planted sunflower seeds. Look at how well they've grown!

 When everyone takes them home to plant them into larger pots we could have a competition. Everyone can take a photo of their sunflower in July and we can announce the winner of the tallest sunflower.

We also planted cress seeds but we decided to have an experiment. We planted some seeds and put them on the windowsill. We planted some more seeds and put them in a dark cupboard. We wanted to see how they might grow differently. This is the result. Why do you think one is white and yellow?

This week we have planted broad bean seeds. We wanted to see what the roots will look like when they grow so have put them in a glass jar rather than a pot of soil. I wonder if they will grow into a big enough plant to produce beans!

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